... .......... .................. ..... comments . . . . . gemmm@netzero.com
101/ in German, 'zinzen' means 'interest.' Thus, 'zinzendorf' equals 'village of those who collect interest' or 'village of those who pay interest.' 18th century Count vonZinzendorf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zinzendorf was the grandee who became the patron of the Bohemian Brethren {Moravian Church or Unitas Fratrum or Hussites} .
Men and women of the Bohemian Brethren left Moravia--Bohemia--Silesia to live on lands in Saxony provided by nobleman vonZinzendorf. He later organized the Moravian church's settlements in the New World's Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and Winston--Salem, North Carolina. 'Wachovia' was the original name of the Winston-Salem establishment.
. ....102 / silver mines and .gold mines existed in Silesia--Moravia--Bohemia
103 / 'boh' in 'bohemia' MIGHT relate to a root pertaining to 'wealth.' We see Russian term 'boyars' for 'rich lords' and Polish 'bogaty' for 'rich.' Derivation of 'bohemia' SUPPOSEDLY links to 'boi' - - - a Celtic tribe. But what is linguistic background of 'boi' ?
english 'booty' from Middle English 'bute' for 'exchange.' English 'boodle' from middle dutch 'boedel' for 'property' or 'estate.' 'hoarding' derives from german 'bauzen.'
104 / Wachovia Bank {3rd largest in united states} is named after a barony held by Count vonZinzendorf. One of his collateral titles was 'Baron Wachovia.' And 'Wachovia' was original name of Moravian Church's North Carolina enclave, today called 'Winston--Salem.'
105 / Black and white 'checkerboard' motifs are discerened in paintings by John Valentine Haidt {see notes # 302 and 303 }, the same pattern central to freemasonry. http://www.famousamericans.net/johnvalentinehaidt/
Checked tablecloths were used in antiquity to facilitate the counting of coins among pre-cursors of bankers - - - ergo, the connection to the bankers we know as Templars. We also recall the checkerboard backdrops found in Father Sauniere's stations of the cross.
201 / decades before Luther, the followers of Jan Hus {Bohemian Brethren or Moravian Church or Unitas Fratrum} mounted a campaign against Roman Catholic dominance beginning in 1390 - - - at a time not too far removed from the fateful 1314. The Hussites evolved ino the Unitas Fratrum denomination {Bohemian Brethren or Moravian Church}
202 / in the Czech language, 'Hus' means 'goose.' It was at the GOOSE and Gridiron tavern in 1717 that the first British freemasons held their initial meeting. It would be understandable that the Hus 'goose' would be commemorated by the heirs of those men who hated the Latin denomination. ... ....... 'Hus' was not the clergyman's last name, but he was born in 'husenic' so became known as 'jan hus' or 'john of husenic'
. . 203 / A recurring emblem of the Hussites was 'the chalice,' representing the proto-Protestants' demand for communion 'in two kinds.' Historians write of Hussites 'marching under the banner of the chalice.'
Should we see 'the chalice' as representing the "Holy Grail'? We know of those who believe the Templars possessed the relic.
..... 204 / we realize that, after 1314, various Templars 'retired' to Cistercian cloisters. . It is intriguing to imagine former Templars' anti-Roman attitudes percolating through the halls of Bohemian monastaries to mushroom in the Hussite thrust of 1390
2 5 1 / we often think in terms of the original designs of the city of Washington being in the hands of 18th century illuminati. Benjmain Latrobe, who designed the Capitol, was born to parents who were Unitas Fratrum members. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Henry_Latrobe
2 5 2 / Latrobe, raised in the Moravian Church, only left the denomination when he entered the Prussian military to learn the craft of engineering and architecture. The Unitas Fratrum was not 'pacificst' in the sense that the Amish and Mennonites were pacifists, but the sect certainly had pacifist leanings which did not jibe with the mind--set required of a Prussian military officer.
............................. . ______. . . individuals
301 / Because no one is certain re forebears of Templar Hughes dePayens, perhaps we can see his family tree reflected in British PAYNE family. Possibly collateral relationships if not direct. Of course, after 1066, a number of aristocratic British clans would have French roots.
@ 14th century cleric English Peter Payne travels to Bohemia to become active in Hussite movement ... http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9058836/Peter-Payne
@ George Payne was second grandmaster of English Freemasons http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Payne
@ Payne family prominent among Moravians of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Payne Art Gallery at Moravian College.
302 / .... historians are amazed by success of 15th century john Zizka of the Taborites--Hussites--Unitas Fratrum, amazed by Zizka's ingenious and innovative military tactics that allowed Taborite forces to triumph over professional troops of the Holy Roman Empire. Now, just WHO might have taught Zizka the techniques that startled the world ?
303 / The painting 'Christ Before the Mob' by 18th century MORAVIAN artist J.V. Haidt appears to illustrate bloodline "Christ Kids' theories. In an 'ecco homo' moment, Pilate draws the crowd's attention to Jesus. All figures in the throng are indistinct - - except for a woman in the foreground . . . . a woman and three children. The Magdalen ? The two boys and a girl born to the Magdalen as per Barbara Theiring and Laurence Gardner ?
304 / Other Haidt works feature motifs common among 'bloodline' artists such as emphasis on red and blue tones reflecting the 'red line' and 'blue line' split we find in the birth of Old Testament Zerah and Pharez. Perhaps we should be thinking in terms of 'the Haidt Code' rather than 'the daVinci Code.'
401 / 1241 Battle of Legnica in SILESIA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Legnica saw Templar Knights joining in confrontation with Mongols. This foray is also known as Battle of Liegnitz or Walstatt
402 / Templar commandieries existed in Silesia-Moravia-Bohemia. Cisterician churches and monasteries existed in Silesia-Moravia-Bohemia.
403 / 1390 featured beginning of Hussite advance, not too distant from 1314
404 / Lamb imagery emphasized by Bohemian Brethren {Moravian Church - - Unitas Fratrum - - Hussites}. And Templars, together with Cistercians, had strong attachment to symbolishm inherent in ' Agnus Dei .' Moravian Church's London outreach came to be known as 'Congregation of the Lamb.' It had originally been known as the Fetter Lane Mission { see # 406 )
.. .. 405 / Dozens of researchers postulate that the Templars were the fathers of Gothic architecture. This art form emphasized an explicit depiction of the Corpus Christi ... ribbed vaulting suggesting Jesus' torso ; the transept, the Redeemer's out-stretched arms. Worshippers, then, on entering cathedrals, quite literally became part of 'the body of Christ.'
Similarly, during the Moravian Church's 18th century 'sifting time,' the prayers and hymns of the Bohemian Brethren displayed a bizarre identification with the literal physical presence of the Savior.
Little side hole,
Thou art mine :
Most dear Little side hole,
I wish myself entirely inside.
Oh, my little side hole !
Thou art my little soul,
Yes, the dearest little place.'
4 0 6 / The first Moravian outpost in London was Fetter Lane Society {later called 'Congregation of the Lamb'}. Fetter Lane {Faitour Lane} was ORIGINAL site of Templar London commandery, built between Chancery Lane and Faitour Lane in 1130. In 1161 the commandery was moved closer to the Thames. Someone appeared to wish to emphasize ties between the Templars and the Bohemian Brethren
4 0 7 / The waldensians may be the individuals who LINK the templars to the Moravian Church {Bohemian Brethren}. Most scholars believe at least some Waldensians made their way to Bohemia--Moravia once the Hussite Movement gathered speed. The Templars, with commanderies in Waldensian--influenced Savoy and Lombardy and Provence, were certainly familiar with these men and women who can be seen as proto--protestants, men and women who certainly would have been attracted to the Hussite thrust.
.. .. The year 1467 saw Waldensian leader Stephen consecrating Hussite Michael Bradacius as bishop ; Waldensian michael ordained Hussite Matthias of Kunwald.
4 0 8 / recalling the templar navy, we note that the Bohemian brethren of colonial Bethlehem owned ships --- ostensibly to bring immigrants to Pennsylvania. Yet, the New England Puritans felt no need to purchase ships. Neither did the Methodists of Georgia. Or the Catholics of Maryland.
1742... bought the ship Catherine. The Little Strength. The Irene. 1760 -- The Hope.
. . .. ____. . BLOODLINE . . CONCERNS ._____ . .
501 / Count vonZinzendorf, a Saxon noble of the Holy Roman empire, certainly was born to a class of people who might be seen as men and women of THE very special bloodline . . . . if such a bloodline exists.
5 0 2 / An 18th century kinswoman of Count vonZinzendorf wed the king of Denmark.
5 0 3 / An old adage states, 'whoever rules Bohemia, rules the world.' Have we ever heard 'Whoever rules Sardinia rules the world '? Or 'Whoever rules Nepal rules the world' ? Why Bohemia ?
5 0 4 / It has been noted that ALL United States presidents have common European ancestors http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~tdowling/presidents/presidents.htm . Count vonZinzendorf, forebear of the Bush clan, certainly then is a central figure in 'the special bloodline' family tree.
5 0 5 / In the Moravian Church's Pennsylvania enclave in Bethlehem, vonZinzendorf proclaimed that two sabbaths would be celebrated - - Saturday in addition to Sunday. Eventually, this custom was done away with because the frontier community could not complete necessary tasks with two days of rest. However, the choice of Saturday would accent the 'Jewish' bonds of bloodline members. http://anglicansonline.org/resources/reviews/060129atwood.html
5 0 6 / For a rough 18th century fronteir community, Bethlehem attracted an unusually large number of aristocrats : vonZinzendorf and two of his children -- in addition to baroness vonSeidewitz -- baroness vonPahlen -- baron johannes von Watteville -- the daughter of Baron vonRaschan.
. ._................ ...........___ Rosicrucianism - - - Bohemian Brethren .____ .
6 0 0 / RUMORS exist that count vonZinzendorf was the third leader of the Rosicrucians, the leader after tenure of Desaguiliers. While this information can not be ascertained, the mere suggestion indicates that men and women in the 18th century would not have thought it unusual to consider the nobleman as closely alligned with the Rosicrucian movement.
601 / The Rosicrucian initiative was born in 17th century Bohemia--Moravia--Silesia. It evolved out of support for the Protestant Winter King and Winter Queen . . . . the latter, Elzabeth Stuart, the 'Stuart Rose ' {Elizabeth was ancestor of 2008's Queen Elizabeth the second via the House of Hanover}.
602 / a number of researchers believe common threads unite Rosicrucianism and Templar fellowship and Freemasonry.
.. . . 603 / It has been suggested by Laurence Gardner and others that England's James I {father of the Stuart Rose.... see note 601 re Elizabeth's position in rosicrucian foray } was a Freemason although he died before 1717.
` .. .. . . 604 / in 'The Tempest,' that Rosicrucian lad Shakespeare writes of 'the shores of Bohemia' when certainly he recognized Bohemia has no shores. Was this Shakespeare's way of highlighting the importance of Bohemia ? i.e., if I write a poem about Tony Blair's beard, readers are FORCED to visualize a beardless Tony Blair.
605 / the Bohemian Brethren often cite Count vonZinzendorf as 'graf ohne grenzen' - - - 'the nobleman {of a land} without borders.' A pre-cursor of the Rosicrucian brotherhood was the ' Unzertrennlichen' coterie http://books.google.com/books?id=d5d_AhziPZsC&pg=PA123&lpg=PA123&dq=unzertrennlichen+and+rosicrucian&source=web&ots=OV3o2O8wed&sig=MsvmetLOxkuoNv3-3-N4QhO0II4&hl=en
This band, the' order of the unzertrennlichen' is known in the English language as 'the inseperables.' Nonetheless, 'unzertrennlichen' literally means 'no partitions.' Was this 'code language' to join the Roscrucian 'no partitions' guild to the 'no borders' Unitas Fratram { Bohemian Brethren or Hussites or Moravian Church} ?
Perhaps these terms represent yet another statement of 'he who rules Bohemia rules the world.' { note # 503 } If an inidivudual or a Templar alliance or a Rosicrucian mission has 'no partitions' ' or 'no borders,' they indeed 'rule the world.'
606 / 'the spirits' is the mascot of Salem College, an instution run by the Unitas Fratrum -- Moravian Church. 'Spiritualizers' is the generic term applied to Rosicrucian camorras such as the Picards and Adamites in Eastern Europe and the Holy Roman Empire. Salem College in the united states is located in the old Moravian settlement of Wachovia { see # }, a site known as the present-day city of Winston-Salem.
. . . ............... . ____. . .. Bohemian Grove ..____ .. .
701 / If a rather unique 'bloodline' exists in 2010, its fellows would belong to the 'Bohemian Grove' workshop --think tank. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_Grove Why BOHEMIAN Grove ? Why not 'Portugese Grove' or "Venezuelan Grove' ?
702 / 'Regnes' was once the name of Rennes-le-Chateau. The French word for 'spiders' is 'araignees.' The motto of Bohemian Grove is 'weaving SPIDERS come not here.'
703 / Bohemian Grove is often seen as an Illuminati organization.
704 / The Bohemian Grove emblem is the owl, perhaps suggesting a connection to the goddess Athena . . . . as in myths surrounding Arachne.
705 / One is forced to believe that some of the planet's movers and shakers taking part in Bohemian Grove summers are also Freemasons. While the site is in California, attendees represent the world's leading businessmen, intellectuals, politicians, educators, artists, and financiers.
........ . . . . ____ miscellaneous ._______ . . .
801 / Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II believed an amethyst cup in PRAGUE's Hradcany castle was the Holy Grail.
802 / Europe's oldest synagogue is Staranova in PRAGUE. By 'oldest' do we mean 'first' ? Or perhaps 'the oldest still-standing' ? This particular might have us recall the 'Jewish' roots of the purported Merovingian bloodline.
803 / count vonZinzendorf is seen as the father of the ecumenical cause within Christianity. Certainly, the putative Priory of Sion would be interested in ecumenical movements.
. .......... . . _____illuminati chaps - - - moravians____________
901 / the city of PRAGUE has been seen as one site for 18th century illuminati lodges
902 / most would agree that, IF the illuminati does in fact exist in 2010, its adherents would be members of Bohemian Grove workshop { note # 701 to 706 }.
9 5 1 / why did 18th century scientist Joseph Priestly {a celebrated freemason who was a member of London's royal society } decide to retire in the little town of northumberland in the PENNSYLVANIA wilderness ? http://www.josephpriestleyhouse.org/ Was he hankering to be close to the Bethlehem settlement of vonZinzendorf and the Moravians ?
9 5 2 / Joseph Priestly leaves sophisticated London to reside in a town not too far from Bethlehem. While Northumberland is not next door to Colonial Bethlehem, it certainly was the closest site to find the sort of fellowship and conversation the scientist had been used to in England, the kind of society Count Von Zinzendorf enjoyed during his FIVE trips to London { see note 1002 }
. . . Bonds . . . between . . . Freemasonry . . . and . . . the . . . Unitas . . . Fratrum .
1 0 0 1 / The Moravian Church was at one time known as 'the society of religious freemasons.'
1001 / Count vonZinzendorf organized the Order of the Mustard Seed. This alliance eventually became one for Freemasons who were ALSO members of the Moravian Church {Bohemian Brethren - - Unitas Fratrum -- Hussites). http://www.themasonictrowel.com/Articles/History/other_files/the_dead_rites_of_masonry.htm
1002 / Although vonZinzendorf lived in an age when travel was slow, difficult, and uncomfortable, the aristocrat made FIVE trips to post--1717 London, years when he could have been associating with the first generation of Freemasons.
1003 / Even though no one is willing to assert, 'Count vonZinzendorf became a mason in 17 ___ ,' his biographers DEFINITELY have him rubbing shoulders with the Royal Society types who were the earliest lodge-members during his five London visits.
. .. . 1004 / the Goose and Gridiron tavern in 1717 London was the site of first meeting of Freemasons. The name of John 'hus' means 'goose' in Czech. note # 202
1005 / the second grandmaster of the London freemasons was George Payne, who MAY have been tied to the Payne family prominent among the Unitas Fratrum denomination. { note # 301 }
1006 / Hussite clergyman John Amos Comenius is often seen as one 'father' of Freemasonry, his 'pan-sophic' outlook contributing to the intellectual under-pinnings of the Masonic movement. Comenius, like Zinzendorf, spent time in England. The puritans of New England, in 1636, invited Comenius to become president of Harvard University.
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articulating individual ideas
Friday, June 6, 2008
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